Eye of C is a documentary film that takes us on a journey of human experience. This journey allows us to feel the joys and pains of a People through the images of Cincinnatian C. Smith, known as the Godfather of Photography.

C. Smith devoted his career to capturing the images of the people of Cincinnati. He has captured the commonplace, the celebration of those unrecognized. C. Smith was there when James Brown shouted, “Say it Loud! I’m Black and I’m proud!” He was there shooting the riots as the City burned, the swearing-in of Black Judges and the crowning of Beauty Queens.

A city with a rich Black history, in a free state. The roadway to Canada, the promised land – the Black laws, lawsuits, and riots before the end of slavery help give the city her signature name. Queen. What happens when you combine the Eye of C. Smith, Cincinnati’s prominent Black photographer with the Eye of Cincinnati’s rich Black history?

The history of Cincinnati is one in which segregation may not have always been in writing but it was the norm. Eye of C is a project that captures a sliver of the countless engrossing stories of a people who succeeded through sheer determination.
There is much work to be done. Your purchase at Shop Eye of C gets you one-of-a-kind merch and supports the two initiatives of the Eye of C project:
(1) To develop archives for the long term preservation of thousands of curated historical photographs that give us a glimpse into some of these stories. Archiving includes the proper handling, tagging, storage, conservation techniques and display to make these photographs more accessible to everyone.
(2) To complete post-production of the immersive Eye of C film.
40% of each purchase made at Shop Eye of C is donated towards the Eye of C project.
Interesting in becoming a sponsor? Learn more here.